Staples High School 1:1 Initiative
BYOD Computer  Requirements

All Staples High School students are expected to bring a fully charged, personal computing device to school every day. Students can choose from a multitude of devices, provided the devices meet the minimum specifications below. Please note that cell phones do not meet the minimum specifications. 

BYOD Device Spec update 7.2022


(1)For students involved in classes that focus on media creation or programming, students will need access to either a Windows computer or OS X device.

(2)The RAM specified is the amount needed to run the Operating System and programs for school. If students have other personal programs that use a large amount of RAM, the amount of RAM will need to be increased. 

(3)The storage specified is the amount needed for the Operating System and files created in school. If students have other personal files that take up a large amount of space, the amount of storage will need to be increased. 

(4)For students involved in classes that focus on media creation parents may want to purchase a device with larger storage capacity. 

Software Requirements

No software purchases will be required. Students will be required to install the free Chrome web browser, which provides the best user experience for using Google Apps. Links to free antivirus software and suggested Chrome plug-ins can be found on the FAQ page. 


School software-related technical support will be available in the Staples Library Learning Commons most days from 8:00am - 2:30pm. 

Additional Recommendations

Extended warranties lasting the expected lifetime of the device are strongly recommended.